Monday, March 19, 2012

Picture time:)

Here is the beginning of my photos of my time in Honduras! For those of you who have wanted to see pictures earlier I am sorry that it took me so long to put them up! The first one is a picture of me and my little sister Cenia<3

We decided to make funny faces in a picture:) 

Another silly picture:) 

This is a picture of the director of the area of the high school for the students studying to be bilingual secretaries. He is standing in front of the trophies that the bilingual secretary area of the high school has won. Some of the trophies were given by the high school, and some were competitions between other schools in the area and perhaps in the state and country... but I can't remember exactly. The point is they do a good job:) 

This is a picture of my room in Honduras:) 

Another picture of my room!:) I wanted to put this one up to show the sign (on the left) that some of my friends from Huntington made for me that I took with me!:) 

Celebrating Cenia's birthday at my house in Honduras!:) 

Cenia's mom, Olga (lighting the candles), is the maid for the family I am staying with. She started working with for the family when she was pregnant withe Cenia (12 years ago) and they have been part of the family ever since. Olga teaches me lots of Honduran sayings. We love to sing together, even when we are just saying each others' name:) I sing "Ollllga, como estaaaas?" (Olga, how are you?) and she sings back to me the answer:)

Cenia with friends and her little nephew Justin on the far right. Justin and his mom come and stay with us every once in awhile. They are wonderful also! Justin is so cute! He smiles all the time except for when he is crying. And he smiles more often than he cries:) 

Singing happy birthday to cenia!!! At the end we say "Ya queremos pastel, ya queremos pastel, aunque  sea un pedacito, pero queremos pastel, y coca-cola tambien" which is "Now we want cake, now we want cake, even if it is a little piece, now we want cake, and coca-cola also:)" they say something else but I didn't understand what it was. 

Another picture of my room!

A valentines day card that my student gave to me!!!!:) 

I had my students write me letters to practice their English and this is a picture of one of them:) I told them to write about themselves and I got to know a lot more about many of them! It was also encouraging to read many of the letters that said that they said that they liked me, liked the way I teach, and thought I was friendly and happy. I want to make sure that they know that I care about them, that I am excited to teach them and I want them to have fun learning English:)

this was the first picture I took with my web camera on my computer in Honduras. 

Once again, sorry for the delay! Have a wonderful day! I will put up more pictures at another time and hope to post again soon!:) Thanks again for your interest in knowing what's going on with me in Honduras:) 

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