Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Videos!!! Lots and lots of them:)

Hi Everyone:) I am currently in Iowa getting ready to go back to Honduras. I had to come back for a short time to renew my Visa. I got to see some friends and family which was great and do some time reflecting and refreshing for the rest of my time in Honduras. However, I wish I would have gotten to see more friends and family... but that will have to wait for another time. I have lots of videos to share with you! I am not able to upload videos to the internet in Honduras, so I had to wait to share these with you now.. I hope you enjoy them!:) 

Video #1) The first video is of band practice!:) There are two girls whose back we can see that are holding up a little metal xylophone. They are my girls:) I help them play the Lira (which is the metal xylophone) and teach them to play the marimba:)

Video #2) This is a video of the band practicing from the back:) 

Video #3) Another video of band practice!:) 

Video #4) Two girls in my english class doing an English cheer/chant that I taught them:) They like learning english this way, and I like teaching it to them this way too!

Video #5) One of my English classes saying hello to you and showing you some cheers we do when they do a good job:) I taught them the english "Whatever" cheer. They do one that is similar in spanish but say "O Sea!" which means "whatever" in English

Video #6) This is a video of my other English class doing some more cheers they do!:) I will try to explain what they say in the last cheers in my next post

Video #7) My little brother Jorge doing a typical Honduran drum show! Jorge plays the snar drum in the high school band that I work in!

Video #8) This is at a Quincenera, which is a 15th birthday party for girls in Latin America. It is kind of like a celebration of a girl becoming a woman and is a big deal in the Latin American culture. Sometimes it is almost as big as a wedding celebration. The birthday girl is on the left and the other girl was one of the girls that was part of the birthday celebration. Both of the girls attend the church and the school that I work at and the one on the right is in one of my English classes:) In the video I say that they are "dando vueltas" which means turning around. They got dizzy so they stopped:)