Sunday, January 29, 2012


Welcome to my blog! Thank you for your interest in visiting it! 

What's this blog about? 
Although I am excited for my time in Honduras I am also sad to have to be far away from dear family and friends. I hope that this blog can be a way that I can stay connected with others while I am gone. I hope that people who wonder "What's happening with Haley in Honduras?" can come to this site and find their answers to their question. I plan to write about what is going on, what I am learning, the ways I am being stretched and am growing, funny stories, and anything else I think might be interesting or that I would like to share. I will also post photos (and maybe videos!). I apologize if I write more or less than you would like. I really enjoy writing and journaling so my guess is that I will err on writing a lot. If you have any specific questions feel free to ask me and I will try my best to respond to them! Also, if you have any suggestions for my blog please let me know (this is my first blog so I could use all the help I can get!). 

Opportunities for updates. 
If you would like to receive email/facebook updates when I post something new in my blog please let me know and I will add you to a list of people that I will be letting know when I update. 

What I'll be doing in Honduras 
For those of you who I haven't gotten the chance to tell yet, while I am in Honduras I will be working with a United Brethren Church and School. I will be teaching English to high school girls who want to be bilingual secretaries, helping out with the youth activities at the church and teaching the marimba in the high school band. I will probably also be doing some translating and perhaps other things that will come up while I am there!:) 

What I'm doing now/when I'm leaving for Honduras. 
I am currently in my home town in Iowa spending some time with friends and family and preparing to go. I just got back from a retreat with my church which was such a blessing and I am so glad I got to go on it before I leave. I'll be leaving for Florida on the 4th of February and spending a week there with family and friends and then will go to Honduras on the 11th of February (in less than 2 weeks! oh wow!). I've been learning about the importance of rest and preparation these past couple of years, and I am very thankful for the time that I've had to rest and prepare. During last Fall semester Dr. Eilers (a professor at my school) shared the quote with our student body: "the battle of waterloo was won on the playing fields of eton" which implies that the battle of waterloo was won by the preparation that the soldiers did. During this "eton" I am seeking to prepare as well as i can so I can serve, learn, and transition as best as I can to my time in Honduras. 

Thank you again for visiting my blog! I hope you have a wonderful day!:)